Who We Are

Who We Are


Lead all people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.


To provide ministry environments where people are encouraged and equipped to pursue intimacy with God, to cultivate community with each other, to become more like Christ, and to influence the world.


Matthew 22:37–38

Our understanding of God shapes and informs what we are and what we do. Although style and methods may be unique according to our culture and context, everything passes through the filter of our understanding of God and his very nature. The church is to be Christ-centered, and all empowerment through preaching, teaching, worship, and outreach comes from Jesus Christ. The church should never be built around a person, trend, or cultural phenomenon. The true church is and always will be built on the person of Jesus for his glory. Every facet of ministry is tested in light of scripture, and our love for God permeates all that we do as a church. Our Lord reminds us in Matthew 22:37–38 that the greatest commandment is to love our God with all our heart, soul, and mind. We vow to keep this front and center, the very foundation on which we operate.


John 13:34–35; Acts 2:42–47

Our understanding of Christian relationship derives from God’s very nature. The Godhead demonstrates the eternal relationship and community among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are made in God’s image, and our desire and love for Christ and his love for us give us a deep desire to be more like him and carry his relational qualities. In John 13:34–35, Jesus says, “A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Because we as a community of believers experience God’s love, we are to be intentional in our love for God and one another so that we extend the love of God to the world. We therefore live, love, serve, and worship in community to the glory of God. In turn, we become more like Jesus and selflessly give ourselves in service to the world through acts of love.


Matthew 28:18–20; Acts 1:8

Our understanding of mission encourages us to be concerned for and aware of what God is doing in our culture and the world and to endeavor to participate directly and daily in his plans and purposes. If we are informed and shaped by our understanding of God, then we must be compelled to reach others with the message of Jesus. We are left with a commandment in Acts 1:8 to go and preach the Gospel to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. This is first demonstrated in the corporate gathering, where seekers often take a “come and see” approach. On another level, we endeavor to equip believers to “go and tell.” This is accomplished through activities that allow us to reach our culture locally and worldwide.